Nick, Karen, Connor and Alisha have over forty years experience in the funeral industry between them.
Both Nick and Karen have lived in the surrounding area all their lives, and have been happily married for twenty-seven years. At present, both live in Burgess Hill with their two children.
Nick and Karen both have experience of working in conglomerate Funeral Director surroundings, and Independently owned Funeral Directors. If asked a personal preference, both would answer that they whole heartedly support and recommend family owned Funeral Directors.
They are committed in providing a personal and dignified funeral service, at an extremely difficult time.

Having descended from a generation of Funeral Directors, it feels only natural, that Connor joins a dynasty of well established family professionals, and continues to learn the family, and independent way of Funeral Directing.
2021: Connor is gaining more experience & know wishing to learn more within our family business. Connor one day in the very near future wishes to be able to follow in his dad’s footsteps of Conducting and looking after families on the day of their loved ones service. He will be learning from the best & he understands it takes time to learn. Connor knows that families only get one chance in saying goodbye so this needs to be right on the day.

Alisha is very keen to learn the profession & is proud to join us, to learn the family, and independent way of Funeral Directing.
2021: Alisha has continued to work alongside Karen & Nick & all the team at Henfield Funeral Services.
Alisha’s expertise is running the diary & fleeting the vehicles & bearers on a daily basis.